Blurbos Rating (4.6)
While she appreciated the concern people showed for her, she worked so hard to be able to do things on her own. When people accidentally undercut that, it became more difficult to ignore the part of her that whispered lies. That told her that because she was less capable in a few areas, she was worthless in general.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 20 | Location 205-207 2020-11-20 18:42:08
“When Aimia fell,” he explained, “the Na-Alind—a family among the greatshelled gods of the Reshi—took in the last of the larkin. Greatshells do not think or speak like people do, and the ways of our gods are strange. But best we can tell, there was a promise among them. To protect these, their cousins.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 21 | Location 218-220 2020-11-20 18:42:52
Most of Rysn’s contemporaries entered a discussion asking, “What can I get from this?” Rysn had been disabused of that notion early in her training. Her babsk taught a different way of seeing the world, training her to ask, “What need can I fulfill?”
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 25 | Location 275-277 2020-11-20 18:48:36
That was the true purpose of a merchant. To find complementary needs, then bridge the distance between them so everyone benefited. It wasn’t about what you could get from people, but what you could get for them that made a successful merchant.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 25 | Location 277-279 2020-11-20 18:48:53
“There is . . . something on that island,” Navani said. “Something that is able to undermine the powers of the Knights Radiant. My soldiers reported seeing swarms of small shadows darting through the clouds. And legends about Aimia speak of mythical creatures that feed off Stormlight.”
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 29 | Location 327-330 2020-11-20 18:53:14
The problem with people was that everyone saw other nations from far away. Saw them as big mountainous blobs. Foreigners. Strange. Got it. Up close, it was hard to see people that way. Each was so distinctive.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 35 | Location 409-410 2020-11-20 23:54:11
“Vstim said to always read contracts with friends an extra time,” Rysn said softly. “That’s it?” “I asked him, on another occasion, to explain. He said, ‘Rysn, being cheated is a terrible feeling. Being cheated by someone you love is worse.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 71 | Location 901-903 2020-11-22 21:13:17
It hurts us to kill Radiants, let alone one of the Sighted, said Yelamaiszin, the First.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 75 | Location 964-965 2020-11-22 21:17:45
I find things that make scared are also things that make interesting.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 78 | Location 1004-1004 2020-11-22 21:20:41
The others called him silly, but he thought the different colors tasted different.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 79 | Location 1012-1013 2020-11-22 21:21:23
bragging wasn’t about making yourself look good, but about convincing the other guy you weren’t afraid, which was completely different.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 124 | Location 1627-1629 2020-11-23 12:10:50
“How did you . . . Lopen, you saved him!” “It’s kind of our thing,” Lopen said.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 125 | Location 1647-1648 2020-11-23 12:12:16
That mural . . . it was circular and—inlaid with golden foil—it seemed to glow with its own light. The writing on parts of it was unfamiliar to Rysn; she hadn’t seen the script during any of her travels. It wasn’t even the Dawnchant. The peculiar letters were art themselves, curling around the outside of the exploding sun—which was divided into mostly symmetrical pieces. Four of them, each in turn broken into four smaller sections.
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 162 | Location 2146-2149 2020-11-24 00:49:41
Nikli laughed. “Mere words cannot explain. The Dawnshards are Commands, Rysn. The will of a god.”
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 189 | Location 2505-2506 2020-11-24 01:12:57
“The most powerful forms of Surgebinding transcend traditional mortal understanding,” Nikli said. His body began to re-form, hordelings crawling back into place. “All their greatest applications require Intent and a Command. Demands on a level no person could ever manage alone. To make such Commands, one must have the reasoning—the breadth of understanding—of a deity. And so, the Dawnshards. The four primal Commands that created all things.” He paused. “And then eventually, they were used to undo Adonalsium itself. . .
<Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive>(Sanderson, Brandon) Highlight on page 190 | Location 2508-2512 2020-11-24 01:13:25
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