Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time' by Robert Jordan

Lord of Chaos: Book Six of ‘The Wheel of Time’ by Robert Jordan

Blurbos Rating (4.8)

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.


He had had the misfortune to be born one day after Lews Therin Telamon, who would become the Dragon, while Barid Bel Medar, as he was then, spent years almost matching Lews Therin’s accomplishments, not quite matching Lews Therin’s fame. Without Lews Therin, he would have been the most acclaimed man of the Age.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 61 | Location 1346-1348  2022-01-13 22:47:23

telling the Maidens, or any Aiel, that there was no need to be on guard was like telling a fish there was no need to swim.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 89 | Location 2014-2015  2022-01-15 23:45:07

Damer had been in the Queen’s Guards until he took a Murandian lance in his thigh.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 91 | Location 2071-2072  2022-01-15 23:50:54

In stories allies eventually came to trust and like one another; he doubted these men ever would.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 107 | Location 2505-2506  2022-01-17 23:06:27

He was no hero, and did not want to be one. Heroes had a bad habit of getting killed.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 119 | Location 2799-2799  2022-01-19 22:47:28

‘Attack on ground where your enemy believes you will not, from an unexpected direction at an unexpected time. Defend where your enemy believes you are not, and when he believes you will run. Surprise is the key to victory, and speed is the key to surprise. For the soldier, speed is life.’
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 132 | Location 3172-3174  2022-01-20 23:21:25

He liked people pretending to know things almost as little as he liked them knowing things he did not.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 137 | Location 3279-3280  2022-01-21 23:06:44

Of course, Moghedien always hid herself; the Spider was forever popping up just when you were sure she was finally dead.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 138 | Location 3301-3302  2022-01-21 23:09:03

Why was Shaidar Haran different from every other Myrddraal?
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 147 | Location 3561-3562  2022-01-23 22:58:52

“We are all fools sometimes, child, yet a wise woman learns to limit how often.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 178 | Location 4390-4390  2022-01-26 23:30:01

All was not lost, of course. All was never lost as long as you were alive.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 190 | Location 4704-4705  2022-01-29 23:28:23

but the best way to avoid trouble is to make sure no one wants to trouble you.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 228 | Location 5709-5710  2022-02-04 23:26:45

“The lion sword, the dedicated spear, she who sees beyond. Three on the boat, and he who is dead yet lives. The great battle done, but the world not done with battle. The land divided by the return, and the guardians balance the servants. The future teeters on the edge of a blade.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 260 | Location 6553-6555  2022-02-10 23:38:13

Elayne wondered how old she was, but asking an Aes Sedai’s age was about the rudest thing possible.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 271 | Location 6868-6869  2022-02-13 23:13:19

A prayer will not hurt, even if it doesn’t help either.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 285 | Location 7241-7242  2022-02-15 22:47:38

How far did the ripples spread? Were there wars he would never hear of in lands he would never hear of, because of him?
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 294 | Location 7464-7465  2022-02-16 22:42:50

He just had to become used to thinking of Egwene as one of them.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 310 | Location 7871-7872  2022-02-17 23:01:28

“Melaine and Bair dreamed of you on a boat,” she said, the word still awkward after all these months in the wetlands, “with three women whose faces they could not see, and a scale tilting first one way then the other.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 317 | Location 8032-8033  2022-02-19 00:07:57

Melaine and Amys dreamed of a man standing by your side with a dagger to your throat, but you did not see him. Bair and Amys dreamed of you cutting the wetlands in two with a sword.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 317 | Location 8033-8035  2022-02-19 00:08:12

Rain,” that word still came clumsily too, “coming from a bowl. There are snares and pitfalls around the bowl. If the right hands pick it up, they will find a treasure perhaps as great as the bowl. If the wrong hands, the world is doomed. The key to finding the bowl is to find the one who is no longer.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 318 | Location 8047-8050  2022-02-19 00:09:30

a good many Aiel had heard of Rand al’Thor’s friend, he who wore the hat and
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 344 | Location 8720-8721  2022-02-22 23:12:28

“When you wish for so long that you could hear something,” he said slowly, “and then suddenly, with no warning, you do, it is like a lightning strike and rain on parched ground at the same time. You’re stunned, but you cannot hear enough.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 372 | Location 9408-9410  2022-02-25 23:56:38

Never make a plan without knowing as much as you can of the enemy. Never be afraid to change your plans when you receive new information. Never believe you know everything.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 444 | Location 11292-11293  2022-03-09 23:41:05

Never make a plan without knowing as much as you can of the enemy. Never be afraid to change your plans when you receive new information. Never believe you know everything. And never wait to know everything.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 444 | Location 11292-11293  2022-03-09 23:41:12

Not everyone could be as brave as everyone else, but cowardice was despicable.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 455 | Location 11579-11579  2022-03-11 22:57:02

Courage to strengthen, fire to blind, music to dazzle, iron to bind.’
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 461 | Location 11732-11732  2022-03-11 23:09:47

Rand was always the one who knew how to handle women, Rand and Perrin.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 465 | Location 11842-11843  2022-03-12 23:12:35

“We are going to tickle some Aes Sedai under the chin, rescue a mule, and put a snip-nosed girl on the Lion Throne. Oh, yes. That’s Aviendha. Don’t look at her crosswise, or she’ll try to cut your throat and probably slit her own by mistake.” The woman laughed as if he had made the funniest joke in the world. She did not stop sharpening her knife, though.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 466 | Location 11862-11865  2022-03-12 23:14:36

We are always more afraid than we wish to be, but we can always be braver than we expect.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 468 | Location 11930-11931  2022-03-12 23:20:33

Hold on to your heart, and the Aes Sedai cannot harm what is really you, your heart. They are not nearly so far above us as we believed. May you always find water and shade, Egwene. And always remember your heart.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 468 | Location 11931-11933  2022-03-12 23:20:51

“When an Aes Sedai shows me she has as much honor as Egwene, I will trust her, and not before.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 540 | Location 13766-13768  2022-03-18 23:04:51

“You cannot tell a man he has the power to make the earth shake, then expect him to walk small.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 546 | Location 13872-13873  2022-03-18 23:14:54

“If you want to know about women, ask Perrin, not me. I don’t know anything at all. I used to think Rand knew, but Perrin surely does.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 565 | Location 14335-14336  2022-03-20 22:47:45

He did not think he was particularly brave—doing what you had to do was not bravery—but he had never really thought he might be a coward until now.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 571 | Location 14501-14502  2022-03-20 22:59:52

“Boy, the Creator never made the Houses. Some forget it, but go far enough back in any House, and you’ll find a commoner who showed uncommon courage or kept his head and took charge when everybody else was running around like plucked geese.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 579 | Location 14711-14713  2022-03-20 23:15:46

In some ways, a woman is like a dove. You hold her half as hard as you think is necessary, or you might hurt her.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 579 | Location 14722-14723  2022-03-20 23:16:50

“If a woman is stronger than her husband, she comes to despise him. She has the choice of either tyrannizing him or else making herself less in order not to make him less. If the husband is strong enough, though . . .” She poked him again, even harder. “. . . she can be as strong as she is, as strong as she can grow to be. You will have to prove to Faile that you’re strong.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 582 | Location 14782-14785  2022-03-20 23:20:40

Twice he’s going to have to be there, or you. . . .” She peered into her goblet so he could not see her face. “If he’s not, something bad will happen to you.” Her voice sounded small and frightened. “Very bad.”
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 583 | Location 14835-14838  2022-03-20 23:24:34

“There’s a peasant saying in Tear. ‘An Aes Sedai is ten women in one skin.’
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 597 | Location 15181-15181  2022-03-22 23:13:08

Maybe Perrin would have understood it all, but Rand decided for the thousandth time that he himself did not understand women and never would.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 633 | Location 16123-16125  2022-03-25 23:10:21

Nynaeve said Faile was much too good for him, but said it smiling broadly; Elayne said she hoped they would be happy, but she sounded doubtful for some reason.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 655 | Location 16681-16682  2022-03-27 23:00:19

They have caged Shadowkiller, he thought at last.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 677 | Location 17233-17233  2022-03-28 21:51:06

Only that, and then others answered, packs Perrin had spoken to and packs that had listened silently to the two-legs who could speak as the wolves did. We come. No more.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 677 | Location 17237-17239  2022-03-28 21:51:17

Men could choose whether they threw themselves into the midst of steel and death; he chose for his horses, and today he chose no.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 690 | Location 17562-17563  2022-03-28 23:13:12

Gawyn, Elayne loves him.” With the Power in him, Rand could see the man’s knuckles go white on his sword hilt. “Jisao,” he said in a flat voice. “Rally the Younglings. We are cutting a way out of here.” If his voice had been flat before, now it went dead. “Al’Thor, one day I will see you die.” Digging his heels in, he galloped away, he and all the others shouting “Younglings!” at the top of their lungs, and more men in green coats cutting a way to join them with every stride.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 695 | Location 17718-17722  2022-03-28 23:24:58

The front rank of the Shaido exploded. There was no other way to put it. Cadin’sor-clad shapes burst apart in sprays of blood and flesh.
<Lord of Chaos: Book Six of 'The Wheel of Time'>(Jordan, Robert) Highlight on page 699 | Location 17814-17815  2022-03-28 23:35:27

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